eLearning Videos
This section contains video recordings of a wide range of topics on caring for people with dementia presented by academics, researchers and health practitioners who are well regarded in their field of expertise.
There lectures can be accessed in the following ways:
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Categories of eLearning lectures:
Uncategorised list of eLearning Videos:
This presentation covers recent nutritional intervention research on the delivery of high quality nutritional support for people living with dementia. (68 mins) Continue reading →
An overview of Dementia Behaviour Advisory Management Service, (DBMAS), with case study (23 mins) Continue reading →
Quality of Life as Flourishing: What Do We Know? What Do We Need to Find Out to Make Life Worth Living? (82 mins) Continue reading →
A research project explores the changing multicultural workforce in residential aged care (44 mins) Continue reading →
Examines the communication impairments associated with dementia and the role of communication as part of care. (90 mins) Continue reading →
Doctor Rowland discusses his research to develop a mental state screening tool that is able to be used across multiple cultures. (87 mins) Continue reading →
Explores issues of supportive and palliative care at end of life for people with dementia (80 mins) Continue reading →
European research group Interdem and the improvement of the quality of dementia care (74 mins) Continue reading →
Outlines the experience and challenges of assisting carers to care for themselves and engage with GPs. (59 mins) Continue reading →
An animated video about people with dementia who want to continue to drive. (7 mins) Continue reading →