eLearning Videos
This section contains video recordings of a wide range of topics on caring for people with dementia presented by academics, researchers and health practitioners who are well regarded in their field of expertise.
There lectures can be accessed in the following ways:
- Use the ‘Search our website …’ on the top-right hand of this page
- Find your topic under the ‘Categories’ section below
- Scroll through the list of uncategorised lectures below
- Download the pdf file with a list of all presentations (As pdf file – 180 Kb)
Categories of eLearning lectures:
- Prevention and Diagnosis of Dementia
- Physical Health, Medications and End of Life
- Social Impact of Dementia
- Residential and Acute Care Issues
- Environment and Quality of Life
- Cultural Diversity and Communication
- Issues for Health Professionals
Uncategorised list of eLearning Videos: