About NSW & ACT

The New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory Dementia Training Study Centre is based within the Faculty of Science, Health and Medicine in the University of Wollongong. Building on the foundations laid by our predecessor, the Eastern Australia Dementia Training Study Centre, we have established collaborative partnerships with industry, tertiary institutions, and peak bodies.

We work closely with the Dementia Collaborative Research Centres on the translation of research evidence into education materials and tools to improve practice. We are focussed on ensuring that tertiary qualified health and aged care professionals and students have access to the knowledge required for the delivery of best practice. We also understand that professionals from outside of the health disciplines, e.g architects, have a contribution to make to the care of people with dementia and therefore provide services to them.

Our programs and projects aim to:

  • Promote dementia care as a desirable and valued career option
  • Improve the dementia care skills of professionals whose work effects people with dementia
  • Support the delivery of best practices in dementia care
  • Encourage innovative and flexible approaches to dementia care
  • Strengthen networks between aged care providers and researchers.

These aims are achieved through a range of education and training options including curriculum development, clinical placements, professional development, online learning, guest lectures, environmental design consultancy/workshops and knowledge transfer workshops that translate research evidence into everyday best practice.

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