DTSC June 2015 eNewsletter
Welcome to the first edition of the DTSC eNewsletter
Our eNewsletter will be published four times a year to bring news about Dementia Training Study Centre (DTSC) projects, events and happenings from all five centres across Australia.
A workshop delivered by DBMAS & DTSC, the portrait, the mirror and the landscape provides three visual themes that serve as a metaphor for the overlapping domains of working in a dementia care setting. Continue reading →
DTSC WA has launched the Hierarchic Dementia Scale – Revised (HDS-R), delivering an updated HDS assessment tool and a series of train the trainer workshops. Continue reading →
Fellowships are awarded for a period of 12 months and include education on leadership, evidence-based practice and access to expert support from the Dementia Training Study Centres. Continue reading →
The competition, supported by the Australian Journal of Dementia Care & Alzheimer’s Australia, is open to all second & third year undergraduate students in Australian universities with three major cash prizes. Continue reading →
The BPSD Quick Reference Cards were developed by QLD DTSC for the TRACS Community to provide a quick point of reference for staff working with people with dementia. Continue reading →
Our eLearning Lectures offer a wide range of topics on caring for people with dementia, presented by academics, researchers & health practitioners. Continue reading →
The new dtsc.com.au website was launched earlier this year, the changes and enhancements reflecting your feedback on issues of accessibility, access to information and user friendliness. Continue reading →