The National DTSC Fellowship program – Two stories of implementing practice change
In this presentation two recipients of DTSC Fellowships in 2014 describe their experiences of implementing practice change through a focused practice improvement project.
Ros Eagles, head occupational therapist in an inpatient rehabilitation unit took a multifaceted approach to the issue of falls in patients with cognitive impairment as the focus of her 2014 DTSC Fellowship. Her presentation is:
“How a multifaceted approach to reducing falls and fear of falling in inpatients with cognitive impairment can influence change. How combining environmental modification on the ward, allied health input and education to both nursing and allied health staff can enhance positive change in a twelve month period”.
Meryl Windsor, a nurse practitioner working in palliative care focused on investigating dementia and pain during her 2014 DTSC fellowship. Her presentation is:
“Identifying beneficial palliative care strategies for dementia residents through assessing pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies delivered by a multidisciplinary team”.