
The Western Australia DTSC provides workshops, structured courses, seminars, and articulation in existing courses.

Medication Management for people living with dementia

This is a new NPA, and as such is in the embryonic phase. Stage one is an ‘Exploration of the barriers and enablers to optimal medication management for people living with dementia in residential aged care’

This project is the first step in an overall project aiming to develop a learning package that will be used by health professionals to improve the optimal management of medications for people with dementia in residential aged care.

In 2013/14 a scoping exercise using semi-structured interviews will be undertaken with stakeholders including nurse practitioners, registered nurses, enrolled nurses, care workers, pharmacists and general practitioners, to identify common issues/themes impacting on optimal medication management for people with dementia living in residential aged care.

Osborne Park Hospital Occupational Therapy Project Dementia

Dementia:  Osborne Park Hospital Guide for Occupational Therapists in Clinical Practice is an evidence based, ready reference guide for clinicians working in hospital and community settings to assist them improve outcomes and provide quality service for people with dementia and their carers. It was developed by clinicians for clinicians. The Guide provides practical, evidence based information to assist clinicians develop and utilise best practice assessment and management strategies to assist their clients. The guide can be accessed on our online resources page by clicking here.

Assessment and Management of Confusion in the Acute Care Setting with a Focus on Delirium

Developed by a team of health professionals within Curtin University School of Nursing and Midwifery and the Centre for Research on Ageing, this web-based self directed learning package is designed to assist health professionals with assessment and management of a confused person. While focused on acute care, the information is relevant to all health and residential care settings. Topics covered include: precipitating and predisposing factors; differentiation between delirium, depression and dementia; clinical decision-making processes; cognitive screening and assessment; models and approaches to manage delirium; prevention and reduction strategies. The learning resource can be accessed through our national eLearning centre by clicking here.

Introduction to Dementia Care 511

This postgraduate inter-professional unit is available as professional development or as an assessed unit which may be used as part of postgraduate qualification.  This unit is offered in weekly lecture/tutorial format at Bentley Campus, Curtin University. For more information please contact Curtin University on (08) 9266 9266 SKYPE  (08) 9266 9266 or go to

Aboriginal Creative Arts Project

This project seeks to improve staff capability to provide quality care for Aboriginal people living in residential care environments by creating new knowledge demonstrating the use of creative art as a medium for cultural awareness education.

In the previous 2009-2012 funding round Hall & Prior partnered with the Western Australian DTSC and the Aboriginal artist, Ron Gidgup to engage with Indigenous residents to create several works of art, and improve relationships with residential aged care staff. A documentary style DVD of the process has been produced and an accompanying manual is being developed. This material is not anticipated to be available till the end of this funding round.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) Project

An initial partnership with the DCRC-CC, Alzheimer’s Association of Western Australia and the Western Australian DTSC explored the experiences of CaLD care workers in the residential aged care workforce. The outcome has been development of guiding principles for culturally-aware and culturally-sensitive policies, procedures, education and practices in residential dementia care in an increasingly multicultural work environment.

In the 2013-2016 funding period, these guiding principles will be validated and an audit developed to assist residential aged care organisations in promoting a more culturally competent workforce.

One Day Workshops

Workshops are facilitated by experienced and knowledgeable practitioners in collaboration with industry partners in metropolitan, rural and remote locations in Western Australia. We run approximately four metropolitan and two country workshops per year covering a wide range of topics relevant to dementia care in all health care settings.

Dementia Networking Seminar Series (Guest Speakers)

The Centre runs monthly seminars conducted by knowledgeable and accomplished practitioners. Topics are varied and cover innovative programs, management strategies and practice, diagnosis and assessment. The information presented is for health professionals and is practical and applicable in a variety of health settings

All sessions are filmed and available on our eLearning lectures page.

Our PAST collaborative projects include:

Working with dementia in today’s world: An education resource for GP practices
Dementia care is an important part of care in any GP’s practice. To date there has not been comprehensive training delivered to GPs and practice nurses in Western Australia on working with carers and families of people with dementia within the general practice setting.  A General Practice team with improved knowledge and skills will be able to better inform and support carers and families of people with dementia.

Canning Division of General Practice, with the support of the WA Dementia Training Study Centre, developed a comprehensive training package for GPs and practice nurses to improve communication and support to carers and families of people with dementia.  The education and training package is tailored to the needs of GPs and practice nurses with the general practice setting.

If you would like more information on this resource please contact the WA Dementia Training Study Centre on 08 9266 1831 FAX: 08 9266 1831 or .

Care of the person with dementia in the acute care environment – Development of Dementia Champions

This resource kit is designed for acute care staff who are committed to improving the experience and outcome for patients in their ward or hospital who have dementia.

It is provided to the hospital-based health professionals who attend and fulfill the requirements of a two day train-the-trainer workshop.

The resource can be used in multiple ways to support learning and skills acquisition in the acute care setting.  It is designed to be used as an adaptable and flexible educational aid in the workplace (ward) or in a more formal learning environment (lectures and seminars).

For further information please contact the WA Dementia Training Study Centre on (08) 9266 1831  FAX: (08) 9266 1831 or .

UWA – RPH Undergraduate Medical Education Node

A collaboration between the University of Western Australia, Royal Perth Hospital and WA DTSC.

This project aimed to develop, pilot and evaluate an interdisciplinary post graduate introductory unit in dementia.

The curriculum is now finalized and being used by The University of Western Australia.