Using the Hierarchic Dementia Scale (HDS) to plan care

A collaboration of QLD and WA DTSCs

This one hour seminar presented by WA DTSC Manager and Occupational Therapist, Heather Freegard, is available to download in four parts.

The HDS is a reliable and valid assessment tool that accurately measures cognitive function not only in terms of impaired function but more importantly in terms of remaining abilities. The HDS addresses a wide range of severity and is sensitive enough to detect change over time.

  1. Introduction and Assessment         19 Mins
  2. HDS Characteristics                          20 Mins
  3. Using the HDS                                    11 Mins
  4. Measurement and Evaluation          12 Mins

References and resources
How to order a HDS kit

These resources require Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser. 
If you experience any difficulties with the downloads, contact Dennis Clark  on 07 3138 3536 or email


    Dementia Training Study Centres are supported by the Australian Government

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